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Plans & Pricing

Premium Access

  • Buyer Leads

    Every month
    Facebook Buyer Leads By Our Experts. Leads delivered to messenger
    • 1 Hour Kick-Off Strategy
    • 4 Listings Per Month
    • 4 Bidding & Budget Suggestions
    • 4 Audience Targeting Suggestions
    • 4 Competitors Researched
    • 4 Facebook Ad Campaigns
    • Chat Bot 10 Questions
    • $600 Ad Spend Budget Included
  • Insurance Leads

    Every month
    Insurance Leads Facebook Messenger
    • Managed Facebook Leads
    • Budget Inculded
  • Social Media Package

    Every month
    We run everything for you!
    • Onboarding Call
    • Daily Social Post Facebook
    • Daily Social Post Instagram
    • Daily Social Post Tumbler
    • Daily Social Post Pintrest
    • Daily Social Post Linkedin
    • Daily Social Post Google My Business
    • Audience Builder SEO
    • SEO Posting
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